FOR RELEASE: Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022
Regarding the unit: CONG Public Affairs Office, 720-250-1053,
CENTENNIAL, Colo. – The Colorado National Guard will welcome home around 300 Soldiers of the 3rd Battalion, 157th Field Artillery Regiment Oct. 9, 2022 at the Evie Garret Dennis Campus high school in Aurora, Colorado.
The unit deployed in support of U.S. Central Command as part of Operation Spartan Shield.
"Welcome home Soldiers and thank you families, friends and employers for supporting these warriors as they played an integral role in demonstrating the United States’ commitment to the security and stability of our partners in the Middle East and Central Asia,” The Adjutant General of Colorado, U.S. Army Brig Gen. Laura Clellan said. “Our Colorado National Guard men and women continue to prove that we are a ready, reliable and modernized force ready to serve the citizens of Colorado, the U.S. and our global partners.”
The battalion had two main elements supporting OSS stationed in Kuwait and United Arab Emirates. They also deployed two light High Mobility Artillery Rocket System platoons in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. The relentless efforts to train on digital fire missions and maintain communication reliability was the key to the unit’s success.
3-157 FA was organized Sep. 30, 1911. The unit has served in campaigns in the War with Spain (Manila), Philippine Insurrection (Manila and Luzon), World War I, World War II (Europe and Pacific), and the Global War on Terrorism (Iraq and Afghanistan).
Over the next few days the Soldiers will attend reintegration training and Soldier Readiness Processing in preparation to transition back to their pre deployment lives.