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The Colorado Joint Counterdrug Task Force (CO-JCDTF) leverages military skills and resources to limit the effects of illicit drugs on Colorado communities. We work to disrupt illicit drug supply by providing support to local, state, and tribal law enforcement agencies and work in conjunction with federal agencies while reducing the demand for illicit narcotics in Colorado communities through synchronized efforts with law enforcement partners.
We are a professional, trustworthy, and agile organization. All service members enjoy their profession and are adept at supporting local and state organizations and working in conjunction with federal agencies to reduce illicit drug supply and demand across Colorado. CO-JCDTF is recognized for precision application of military skills and the premier partnership in local communities to holistically reduce the negative impacts of illicit drugs in Colorado.
Under 32 U.S.C § 112, a State drug interdiction and Counterdrug activites plan shall certify that the Governor of the State, or designee, has determined that any activities included in the state plan that are carried out with Federal law enforcement agencies (LEAs) serve a State law enforcement purpose. These activities must:
- Have a valid CD nexus;
- Support only those activities that are militarily unique;
- Execute only those missions that have been approved by the Secretary of Defense, or designee, within the Governor’s State Drug Interdiction and CD Activities Plans
Colorado Army and Air Force National Guard Soldiers and Airmen support LEAs and Community Based Organizations (CBO) to promote a safer environment for all Coloradoans. Some of the services we provide include:
- Linguist/Transcription Services: Near-real-time transcription and translation support for CD related missions. Post-collection transcription or translation of analog or digital media.
- Analysis Support: Analysts offer full time support to law enforcement agencies with a drug nexus. Analysts use their military unique skills to processes, categorize, and evaluate criminal information, documents, and imagery within the scope of law enforcement led investigations.
- Communications Support: Ability to establish, operate, and maintain communication stations, bases and communication equipment, along with computer networks, hardware, and software in support of law enforcement CD operations.
- Transportation Support: National Guard ground and aviation assets are available to support controlled deliveries and tactical logistics.
- Training: Provide training in militarily unique capabilities and skills not readily available to law enforcement outside of DoD to improve drug interdiction and drug demand reduction activities.
- Drug Demand Reduction Outreach: Support community-led efforts to develop and strengthen community based organizations, local, and state agencies to reduce the demand for drugs by providing leadership, planning, military decision making processes, strategies, and cross-organizational coordination.
- Reconnaissance and Observation: Provide observation and route, zone, and area reconnaissance to obtain information about the activities and resources of a LEA-developed cases.