J.E.E.P. banner

  1. $1000 cashLeads are to be submitted via one of the two forms below (Army or Air National Guard). You agree to the terms of the Joint Enlistment Enhancement Program at this time.
  2. The J.E.E.P. Manager will confirm that you are currently serving in the Colorado National Guard and are eligible to receive incentives. They will send your J.E.E.P. agreement and lead contact information to a local recruiter based on the lead's zip code.
  3. The assigned recruiter will complete all processing and paperwork necessary for the referred lead to enlist.
  4. The enlistment contract will be sent to JFHQ to verify all contractual obligations have been met. The $1000 J.E.E.P. payment will then be sent as a check to your home of record within 90 days of enlistment.

J.E.E.P. logoFor more information

Contact the Recruiting and Retention Battalion for questions or additional clarification. 

Follow us: @CONationalGuard / CONationalGuard  

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Army National Guard join us buttonFill out this form if you are
referring a lead to join the



Air Guard join now buttonUse this form if you are
referring a lead to join the

