J9 - Joint Resiliency Directorate
The J9 is the one stop for CONG members, and their families to access prevention, response, and readiness services. The directorate consolidates current resources with the addition of a dedicated prevention workforce available to support 24/7.
The goal of the J9 is to bring the Guard Resiliency Integration Team (GRIT) to the CONG. GRIT allows us to persevere in the face of adversity. Get GRIT!
J9 Consists of:
Prevention Workforce: 1-866-333-8844
The Prevention Workforce provides violence and self-directed harm prevention programming, support, and resources to all of the CONG, but are also aligned with Brigades, the 140th Wing, and separate units to assist with specific unit needs.
- Integrated Primary Prevention Officer/Deputy J9 Director
- Lead Primary Prevention Specialist (Prevention Specialist aligned with JFHQ, 100th Missile Defense Brigade, 8th Civil Support Team)
- Family Violence and Abuse Prevention Specialist (Prevention Specialist aligned with 140th Wing)
- Self-Directed Harm Prevention Specialist (Prevention Specialist aligned with 169th Fires Brigade)
- Sexual Violence Prevention Specialist (Prevention Specialist aligned with 168th Regional Training Institute, Recruiting & Retention Battalion, Medical Detachment, COARNG Element (USNORTHCOM), Special Operations Detachment – Korea, High-altitude ARNG Aviation Training Site)
- Brigade Primary Prevention Specialist (Prevention Specialist for 89th Troop Command)
To reach the J9: 1-866-333-8844
CONG Family Program Office
The CONG Family Program Office is a conglomerate of offices put in place to support the Service Members and Families of the Colorado National Guard. The Family Program Office assists Service Members and their Families in enjoying a positive military experience.
- Airman and Family Readiness Program
- Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
- Child & Youth Program
- Survivor Outreach Services
- Employment Assistance Program
- Personal Financial Counseling
- Military and Family Life Counseling
- Transition Assistance Program
- Soldier & Family Readiness Program
- CONG Foundation
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Program
The Colorado National Guard and Buckley Air Force Base Joint SAPR office have continued to work diligently this past year to develop and implement a comprehensive policy that strengthens military readiness through compassionate response, enhancing victim support, and improving system accountability. Our ongoing sexual assault awareness and prevention outreach efforts and command support have helped reduce obstacles to reporting sexual assaults and reinforced a climate of confidence that has encouraged victims to seek help.
- Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Officer
- ANG Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
- ARNG Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
- State Victim Advocate
- Victim Advocate Coordinator
Behavioral Health Services
- ANG Director of Psychological Health Services
- ARNG Director of Psychological Health
ARNG Substance Abuse, Suicide Prevention, and Resilience Support Program
Army Drug Testing Program
The Army Substance Abuse Program mission is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army´s workforce, to conserve manpower and enhance the combat readiness of Soldiers.