CONG SAPR Mission:

The SAPR Program’s mission is to develop an organizational culture where those who bring reports of sexual assault forward are:

  • Protected
  • Treated with care, dignity and discretion
  • Suffer no hindrances to their personal and professional advancement
  • Not stigmatized for reporting a sexual assault
CONG SAPR 2022 Motto: “Step Forward, Prevent. Advocate. Report”

Step Forward. Prevent. Report. Advocate” is a call to action for individuals at all levels of the Department of Defense to use their personal strength to advance positive change in preventing sexual violence. We ask that you join us in taking a “Step Forward” and highlight the power of acts that can bolster prevention, increase reporting, and promote advocacy for a safer DoD Community. This theme offers a platform from which, regardless of rank, grade, or job specialty, we can all take action to cultivate environments of respect, trust and protection of our DoD personnel.

The Colorado National Guard and Buckley Air Force Base Joint SAPR office have continued to work diligently this past year to develop and implement a comprehensive policy that strengthens military readiness through compassionate response, enhancing victim support, and improving system accountability. Our ongoing sexual assault awareness and prevention outreach efforts and command support have helped reduce obstacles to reporting sexual assaults and reinforced a climate of confidence that has encouraged victims to seek help.

Sexual assault continues to be the most underreported violent crime in our society. We encourage all personnel to participate in prevention activities and renew your pledge to fight against sexual violence. We can do more to build an ethos that will not tolerate sexual assault. Together, we can work to further reduce, with the goal to eliminate, sexual violence from the armed forces. Our military is the most trusted institution in America and our Service members have signed a blank check to the American people, payable with their lives. This crime must not threaten those who have volunteered to serve. Together, we can advance the DoD’s mission by creating an atmosphere where negative behaviors are not tolerated, condoned, or ignored, and offenders are held appropriately accountable.


Full Time Staff:

Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Officer (SAPRO):

Ian Connor

Phone: 720-250-1561/ Cell 720-315-9119


140th Wing Sexual Assault Response Coordinator

Mr. Stephen "Lock" Davis

Phone: 303-519-6291



JFHQ Full-Time Victim Advocate:

Ms. Ashley Ashby

Phone: 720-785-3860



Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinator:

Ms. Rebecca A. McLain

Phone: 720-402-0794



Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinator:

Ms. Holly Burrows

Phone: 720-402-0794



Click to Download the
SAPR Reporting Poster

Frequently Asked Questions:

If I report a sexual assault, will it really be confidential?
  • Yes. If a restricted report is filed, no one but the SARC and Victim Advocate will have knowledge of the report. If an unrestricted report is filled, more people will have knowledge of the report because there will be an investigation. However, only personnel with a need-to-know will be privy to that knowledge.


What does a Victim Advocate do?
  • A Victim Advocate is a credentialed professional who provides the survivor continuous support throughout the process, provides all information to the victim so they can make the best decision, and serves as a liaison between victim and service providers.


What if I was underage drinking when I was assaulted. Will I be in trouble too?
  • The DOD’s Safe-to-report policy safeguards sexual assault victims from facing disciplinary action when they report a sexual assault if minor “collateral misconduct” (such as underage drinking) is discovered during the investigation. The policy provides commanders discretion in deciding whether an offense is a minor offense.


Do I have to use CONG?
  • No, it is your right to utilize whichever organization you choose and the CONG SAPR office can help provide those options to you.


Do I have to open up a case to get resources?
  • No, opening a case is not a requirement to receive resources. We are here to provide any and all assistance needed to survivors of sexual assault.

QR code for 140th SAPR Volunteer Victim Advocates...

140th SAPR Volunteer Victim Advocate QR code