Special Operations Detachment-Korea (Airborne)

The primary mission of the Special Operations Detachment – Korea (TSOD-K) is to augment Special Operations Command Korea (SOCKOR), the Theater SOC (TSOC) responsible for special ops on the Korean peninsula, with a tailored force package during all contingencies and peacetime.
SOCKOR exists because there has never been a peace treaty officially ending the Korean War. U.S. and Allied Military forces on the Korean Peninsula maintain a heightened state of readiness to respond to the resumption of hostilities with little or no warning. Therefore, when directed, SOCKOR combines with the Republic of Korea (ROK) Army's Special Warfare Command (SWC) to establish the Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force (CUWTF) to plan, coordinate, and conduct full spectrum special operations in the Korean theater. If the armistice fails, SOD-K stands ready to support the CUWTF mission to deter North Korean aggression and, if necessary, defeat a North Korean attack.
The Colorado Army National Guard's SOD-K is located at Buckley AFB in Aurora. You can reach them directly by calling 720-847-8430. To contact an SF Recruiter to join this unit, reach out to SFC Alex Klaus (Special Forces Recruiter) at 303-326-8139 and/or 720-527-4890.
Federal Mission: SOD-K conducts Special Operations in support of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and Special Operations Command-Korea (SOCKOR). O/O BPT conduct Special Operations in support of other combatant commanders by augmenting a TSOC or JSOTF staff.
State Mission: SOD-K conducts Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) ISO Colorado State, County, or City civil authorities for incidents or declared emergencies. O/O BPT support Colorado NG State Emergency Operations Center temporary manning/mission requirements.