Colorado Army National Guard

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Our Vision:  The COARNG will be a highly disciplined team of professional officers, NCOs, and Soldiers with the operational knowledge, subject matter expertise, combat fitness, and resiliency to lead, augment, and support any US required action. In short, our vision is simply, “Always Ready, Always There.

Our Mission:  Plan and prepare to project combat power overseas in support of national policy objectives. Secondary mission is to use the innate combat skills required by our primary mission to plan, prepare, and execute domestics operations. In a word, our mission is Readiness


Number of Search and Rescue (SARs) Operations

Every year, COARNG Aviation elements perform the most active Search and Rescue missions in all of the ARNG. Nearly every year the COARNG flies more than 60% of all SAR missions in the United States. In 2024, 29 SARs were executed with over 87 flight hours and 27 lives saved.

The Colorado Army National Guard (COARNG) provides ready Soldiers and diverse units to support federal and state missions. Colorado is one of the few National Guard states to have a variety of highly-coveted units such as:

Ballistic Missile Defense, Aviation, Space Support, Mountain Infantry, Military Police, Special Operations Forces, and Cyber

Military Training
 - High Altitude Rotary Wing Power Management Training
 Basic Leader Course
 Officer Candidate SchoolWarrant Officer Candidate School, Common Faculty Development Course


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To speak with an Army National Guard Recruiter, call 720-250-1359Below are the primary branches and units in the Colorado Army National Guard:

Adjutant General corps insignia Air Defense Artillery insigniaAviation insigniaEngineers insigniaField Artillery insigniaInfantry insigniaMedical insigniaIntelligence insigniaMilitary Police insigniaOrdnance insigniaPublic Affairs insigniaSignal/Network insigniaSpecial Forces insigniaSpace insignia