Military Funerals and Honor
Colorado Army National Guard Honor Guard

Our Mission: "To render professional military funeral honors, in accordance with service tradition, to all eligible veterans when requested by an authorized family member."
MFH provides support to the entitlement of the various levels of the Military Funeral Honors Ceremony (References DoD NDAA, DA and NGB): Standard, Modified Full-Honors, and Full Honors.
Contact Us
REQUEST HONORS: 720-250-2525 or
State Coordinator: 720-250-2526
Administration: 720-250-2524
How to request Honor Guard support
Colorado Army National Guard family members requesting Military Funeral Honors must provide the Funeral Director handling the deceased veteran’s affairs with an official document verifying entitlement to such honors. The preferred documentation is the Department of Defense Form 214 (DD 214) or a Honorable Discharge Certificate. The Funeral Director, after receipt of one of these documents, will contact the Casualty Assistance Command at Fort Carson, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Casualty Assistance Command will either provide the requested Honors Team or forward the request to the Colorado Army National Guard Honor Guard.
Join the Honor Guard!
The Military Funeral Honors Program is seeking highly motivated, disciplined and professional Soldiers. If you have what it takes, send an email to: