Spiritual Readiness
Welcome to the Colorado National Guard’s Spiritual Readiness resource page. Find information, request support, locate community resources, or connect with the State’s chaplain office.
What is "Spiritual Readiness"?
Spiritual readiness is the development of qualities a person needs in times of stress, hardship, and tragedy. These qualities come from religious, philosophical, and human values and form the basis for character, disposition, decision-making, and integrity. People develop their spiritual readiness from diverse value systems that stem from their religious, philosophical, and human values. The spiritual readiness domain is inclusive and universally vital to all personnel no matter their background, philosophy, or religion. It applies to both religious and non-religious persons and concepts.
How do you improve spiritual readiness?
People enhance their spiritual readiness through reflection and practice of a lifestyle based on the personal qualities they need during times of stress, hardship, and tragedy. When their actions deviate from their stated values, then they may experience inner conflict. Those struggling for integrity and congruity often only find inner peace after overcoming the struggle. They develop spiritual readiness by studying, connecting with, and understanding the value systems that mold their personal qualities. As their spiritual readiness grows, they become a leader of character and build the resilience necessary to navigate crises.
What is the Chaplain's Corps?
The mission of the Colorado National Guard Chaplain Corps is to provide religious support to Soldiers & Airmen, Family & contractors across the full spectrum of domestic and contingency operations by assisting the commander in providing for the free exercise of religion and providing spiritual, moral, and ethical leadership.
Connect with the Chaplain’s Office
Talk to a chaplain! Connect confidentially with the State’s chaplain’s office for support on religious and non-religious topics i.e. suicidal ideations, grief & loss counseling, stress, anger management, career guidance, religious accommodations, and many more. Call the numbers below, if we do not answer right away leave a voicemail and we will get back to you.
Contact the Chaplains Office:
Office Phone: 720-250-1074
Office Cell: (303) 913-1749 ( 24/7 call, text, or leave a voicemail)
Email: austin.s.faux.mil@army.mil
How do I request religious support for an event, ceremony, or hospital visitation?
Call, email, or use the request form link below.
In your request, please include general information about the event, date, time, and POC. (Do not include any personal or sensitive information, we will gather that over the phone)
Request Form
Office Phone: 720-250-1074 Email: austin.s.faux.mil@army.mil
How do I request Military and Funeral Honors?
Colorado Army National Guard family members requesting Military Funeral Honors must provide the Funeral Director handling the deceased veteran’s affairs with an official document verifying entitlement to such honors. The preferred documentation is the Department of Defense Form 214 (DD 214) or an Honorable Discharge Certificate. The Funeral Director, after receipt of one of these documents, will contact the Casualty Assistance Command at Fort Carson, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Casualty Assistance Command will either provide the requested Honors Team or forward the request to the Colorado Army National Guard Honor Guard.
REQUEST HONORS: 720-250-2525 or ng.co.coarng.list.mfh@mail.mil
State Coordinator: 720-250-2526
Administration: 720-250-2524
Can the chaplain’s office to help me locate a Soldier?
If you are attempting to reach a family member in the military with emergency information, please contact the Red Cross.
Click here to go to the Red Cross Emergency Communication Page
The Privacy Act of 1974 prohibits us from providing addresses, phone numbers, or locations of any current or retired military personnel.
How do I submit a prayer request?
Submitting a prayer request is easy. Fill out the prayer request form below or use our drop box located outside the chaplain’s office at Joint Forces Headquarters in Centennial, CO.
How do I join Chaplain’s Corps?
The Colorado National Guard Chaplain Corps is recognized as one of the premier National Guard Chaplain Corps in the entire United States. There are three ways to join the Colorado National Guard Chaplain Corps, and we highly encourage any interested individuals no matter their level to reach out about joining our team.
1) Become a Chaplain – One has to have a singular 72+ hour post-graduate religious degree similar to a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or equivalent and be ecclesiastically endorsed by an approved religious organization on the following list: Ecclesiastical Endorsing Agents (defense.gov). There are extra steps if someone seeks ecclesiastical endorsement from a religious organization, not on the list. Applicants must be eligible for a secret security clearance. Applicants will go through two boarding processes; the total average length of completion is 8-12 months.
2) Become a Chaplain Candidate – One has to be a student seeking a 72+ hour post-graduate religious degree similar to a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or equivalent, and be ecclesiastically endorsed by an approved religious organization on the following list: Ecclesiastical Endorsing Agents (defense.gov). There are extra steps if someone seeks ecclesiastical endorsement from a religious organization, not on the list. Applicants must be eligible for a secret security clearance. Applicants will go through two boarding processes; the total average length of completion is 8-12 months.
3) Become a Religious Affairs Specialist – Mature prior and current serving Soldiers are most sought after for Religious Affairs positions, but in special cases, non-prior Soldiers enlisting for the first time may apply for the position. Applicants must pass a series of interviews with a Brigade Religious Affairs NCO, the State Senior Religious Affairs NCO, and Chaplain the applicant most likely would work with if offered the position. Applicants must demonstrate a high level of maturity, professionalism, humility, compassion, and teamwork. Applicants must be eligible for a secret security clearance. Applicants must be eligible for a secret security clearance. The average length of completion is 1-3 months based on availability.
Interested in joining our team? Contact SSG Faux at austin.s.faux.mil@army.mil
Learn more about eligibility requirements
Is talking to a chaplain confidential?
Yes. Both Chaplains and Religious Affairs Specialist have confidentiality privileges protected by AR 165-1, 16-2c which says, “The privilege of non-disclosure of confidential information belongs to . . . the chaplain or religious affairs specialist who receive(s) the communication. Chaplain Candidates do not have confidentiality privileges yet because they’re in student status and will inform you of such prior to speaking with them on sensitive matters. Both Soldiers and their family members can talk to the Chaplain. Talking to a Chaplain or Religious Affairs Specialist is a confidential resource to help direct you to longer-term care.
I’m not religious, can I still talk to a chaplain?
Yes. Chaplains and Religious Affairs Specialists care about you and your family and have access to many resources to help you in tough times. The Chaplain’s office is always open for Soldiers and their family members, never hesitate to talk to a Chaplain. When in doubt, talk to the Chaplain!
I’m worried about my friend/family member and think they need to talk to a Chaplain. What do I do?
Thank you for caring about your friend or family member! If your Soldier is in the United States and it’s an imminent emergency please dial 911, otherwise please contact us at (720) 250-1074. If your Soldier is outside the United States please follow the steps on The Red Cross Hero Care website: Emergency Communication Services | Military Family Support (redcross.org)
Can my Church, Synagogue, Mosque, Temple, Religious Organization help the Chaplain Corps?
We are always looking to add civilian religious, and non-religious organizations to our list of “Yellow Ribbon Communities of Faith.” These Yellow Ribbon Communities are organizations that have shown an interest in coordinating efforts to serve and support Soldiers and military families. We are always interested in building both friendships and partnerships with other religious/faith groups around the state to better serve our Soldiers and military families. If interested in working with the Colorado National Guard Chaplain Corps contact SSG Faux at austin.s.faux.mil@army.mil
Upcoming BSRT Events:
1. Married Weekend Event!
- When: 23-25 Feb 2024
- Where: Estes Park, Co
2. Family Weekend Event!
- When: 17-19 May 2024
- Where: Great Wolf’s Lodge
3. Family Weekend Event!
- When 20-22 Sept 2024
- Where: Silver Cliff Ranch
For More Info and to Sign-up:
1. Go to bsrt.army.mil
2. Click “Find an Event”
3. Search by “ARNG” and “Colorado”
4. Click on event.
Local Resources:
Yellow Ribbon Communities of Faith Partners:
The list below represents several military-friendly faith communities that have partnered with the Chaplain’s Office. They are willing to lend extra support and resources to Soldiers and military families of any faith tradition, or no faith tradition at all. Each faith group provides a different set of resources but can usually help with food insecurity, homelessness, employment help, limited financial assistance, financial education, and more. Each faith group listed has expressed a deep desire to help Soldiers and military families in need and has been pre-vetted by the Chaplain’s Office. As such we encourage anyone of any faith, or no faith at all, to reach out to these Yellow Ribbon Communities of Faith for additional help and support.
Southeast Christian – (Parker, Colorado )
Mission Hills Church – (Littleton, Colorado)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – (Statewide, Colorado)
St. Andrews United Methodist Church – (Highlands Ranch, Colorado)
St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church – (Centennial, Colorado)
Eagle Bible Church – (Eagle, Colorado)
Alcohol/Drug Related Issues
Employment Help
Financial Assistance
Financial Counseling
- Personal Financial Counseling Program
Food Needs
- FTUS Chaplain’s Office
- Grocery Store Gift Cards (Case by Case Basis)
- Call (720) 250-1074
Mental Health & Counseling
Suicide Prevention Help
- Suicide Prevention Manager
- Call: (720) 250-1522 or (303) 349-0102
24hr Crisis Resources - Free and Confidential
Colorado Crisis Services
“Whatever you’re going through,
we’ll help you through it”
Call 1 (844) 493-8255
Text TALK to “38255”

Veterans Crisis Line
Are you a service member in crisis? Or concerned about one?
It’s free, confidential, and YOU decide how much to share.
Call 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1)
Chat Online – Click Here
Text "838255"

National Suicide & Crisis Line
CALL – 988
3-Digit Hotline, 24/7 (English and Spanish)
