89th Troop Command (MACOM)
The 89th Troop Command is a brigade-level Major Command (MACOM) element of over 1,800 Citizen-Soldiers filling the ranks of very diverse and specialized units in the Colorado Army National Guard. The 89th has everything from Special Forces to Military Police; Aviation to Infantry. The 89th trains and readies forces and develops leaders. On order, it mobilizes to support the National Military Strategy and, at the call of the Governor, protects and supports Colorado citizens and property.
Unit Mission Statement: On order, 89th TC provides Command & Control and supervises COARNG units assigned to them in order to provide trained and equipped units capable to deploy and conduct operations in support of war or for service in time of national emergency or when directed to perform domestic operations by the Governor. 89th Troop Command is based out of the Denver Readiness Center, just north of downtown Denver. To contact this unit, email ng.co.coarng.list.89th-trp-cmd-s3@army.mil or call 720-250-2715.

The following battalions and companies fall under 89th Troop Command:
5th Bn., 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne)- Watkins (ng.co.coarng.list.5-19th-s3@army.mil)
- B Co. (Fort Carson)
193rd Military Police Bn. (I/R) - Denver (ng.co.coarng.list.193rd-s3@army.mil)
- HHC 193rd Military Police
- 220th Military Police Co.
- 947th Engineer Co. (Montrose / Fort Carson)
- 101st Army Band (Buckley SFB)
- 104th Public Affairs Detachment (Buckley SFB)
2-135th Aviation Regiment - Buckley SFB, Aurora (ng.co.coarng.list.2-135th-s3@army.mil)
- HHC 2-135th AV
- Det 1, B Co. 2-135th AV
- D Co., 2-135th AV
- E Co., 2-135th AV
- A Co., 2-238th AV
- Det 1, D Co., 2-238th AV
- Det 1, E Co., 2-238th AV
- Det 4, HHC, 2-238th AV
- Det 1, C Co., 1-168th AV
- Det 4, D Co., 1-168th AV
- Det 4, E Co., 1-168th AV
- 131 AVIM (Maintenance) Co.
- D Co., 3/140th MEDEVAC Co.
1-157th Infantry Bn. - Colo Springs (ng.co.coarng.list.1-157th-s3@army.mil)
- HHC 1-157th IN
- A Co., 1-157th IN
- B Co., 1-157th IN (Fort Lupton)
- C Co., 1-157th IN (Grand Junction)
- D Co., 1-157th IN, Weapons Co. (Alamosa)
- I Co. (Windsor)