5th Bn-19th Special Forces Group (Airborne)

HHC, 5-19th SFG(A) provides command and control over several companies across three states. Their mission is to organize, equip, train, and validate forces to conduct full spectrum special operations in support of USSOCOM, Geographic Combatant Commanders, American ambassadors, and other governmental agencies.
Special Forces Green Berets deploy and execute nine doctrinal missions: unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, direct action, counter-insurgency, special reconnaissance, counter terrorism, information operations, counter proliferation of WMD, and security force assistance.
The U.S. military’s premier unconventional warriors, the Special Forces Green Berets provide a viable military option for operational requirements that may be inappropriate or infeasible for large conventional forces.
The cornerstone of the SF Group’s capability is the Operational Detachment-Alpha (ODA), a highly trained team of 12 Special Forces Green Berets. Cross-trained in weapons, communications, intelligence, medicine, and engineering, the ODA member also possesses specialized language and cultural training. The ODA is capable of conducting the full spectrum of special operations, from building indigenous security forces to identifying and targeting threats to U.S. national interests.
Be among the best of the best and operate behind enemy lines on a path that offers unmatched excitement, variety and satisfaction. As a Special Forces Soldier, you may train and lead small foreign populations in unconventional warfare, making them experts in guerrilla warfare. Or you may be part of a Direct Action (DA) mission, quickly dropping into an area to capture a prisoner, seize important materials or destroy enemy equipment.
Being a Special Forces Soldier is very physically demanding. Excellent eyesight and top physical conditioning are required to reach mission objectives via air, land or water. All Special Forces Soldiers are required to be qualified parachutists. Most are also qualified Military Free-Fall (HALO) parachutists and combat divers. The motto for SF units is "De Oppresso Liber" - To Free the Oppressed.
On order, 5-19th SFG(A) HHC will align itself in SOTF configuration to provide C2 over deployed assets in a geographical region. The unit is based in Watkins, CO. To contact the unit, dial 720-250-2900 or to contact an SF Recruiter to join this unit, reach out to SFC Alex Klaus (Special Forces Recruiter) at 303-326-8139 and/or 720-527-4890.
The following companies fall under the 5-19th:
- BSC (Bn. Support Co.)
- FSC (Forward Support Co.)
- A Co. (California)
- B Co. (Watkins)
- C Co., (Texas)
- Special Warfare Training Det. (SWTD)