104th Public Affairs Detachment

A public affairs detachment is a modular, task organizable unit that normally augments a corps public affairs section or a press camp headquarters (PCH). In support of a PCH, it provides manpower and equipment to establish and operate a media center at theater army, TAACOM and corps levels. The PAD is commanded by a Captain and includes up to 12 Soldiers including Public Affairs Mass Communication Specialists (MOS 46S).
PADs are charged with gathering and distributing media to both internal and external audiences. They may be expected to produce either a newspaper, magazine, or a newscast. PADs also serve to facilitate civilian media of all nationalities. They ensure the Army's policy of "maximum disclosure, minimum delay" is upheld. This is accomplished with press releases, response to queries, and by aiding media with travel, lodging, meals, and internet or phone connectivity.
In addition, both the Army print and broadcast journalists within the PAD distribute high quality video footage and print stories from their area of deployment to news organizations all over the world. Many of these are then used by these media organizations in their broadcasts and publications. The PAD also may be tasked with recording archival combat footage. Much of this footage is later used in civilian news or documentary programs.
The 104th PAD provides direct public affairs support to units deployed in support of Army, Joint, combined, or unified operations, and provides public command information services and support the local communities and accredited media representatives. The unit tells the Colorado Citizen Soldier's story, documents events and missions, and preserves the COARNGs' unit history. As a Public Affairs unit, they produce photo and video products for publication in military and civilian media.
The 104th PAD is located at Buckley Space Force Base in Aurora, CO. They can be reached at 720-250-2656.