220th Military Police Company

The 220th Military Police Company mobilizes and deploys to theatre to conduct combat operations and combat support operations to include civil control, law enforcement and detention operations across unified land operations.
Military police (MPs) also may deal with crimes committed on military property or any illegal activity involving members of the Guard. Trained as Soldiers and police officers, MPs play a crucial role in conducting traffic control, corrections, security and mobility support. To keep Soldiers and their property safe, MPs are instructed in area security operations, which includes forced protection, anti-terror and crime prevention functions.
In the event of a disaster, military police act alongside local law enforcement and first responders. MPs rescue those in need or detain civilians who are breaking the law. MPs assist, protect and defend while upholding the rule of law.
The 220th Military Police Company is based out of the Denver Armory. To contact the unit, call 720-250-2622.