HAATS Landing Zones

The mountainous area around HAATS allows for dozens of difficult LZs for the student-pilots. Below are the Top 7 challenging LZ's often used by HAATS instructors and students during training.

Image of LZ1 which is one of the challenging LZ's often used by HAATS instructors and students during trainingImage of LZ2 which is one of the challenging LZ's often used by HAATS instructors and students during trainingImage of LZ3 which is one of the challenging LZ's often used by HAATS instructors and students during trainingImage of LZ4 which is one of the challenging LZ's often used by HAATS instructors and students during training

Image of LZ5 which is one of the challenging LZ's often used by HAATS instructors and students during trainingImage of LZ6 which is one of the challenging LZ's often used by HAATS instructors and students during trainingImage of LZ7 which is one of the challenging LZ's often used by HAATS instructors and students during training