COARNG Warrant Officer 09W
Eligibility Requirements
Before enrolling in Warrant Officer Candidate School, you will need to meet eligibility requirements. If you are currently a member of the Army National Guard, a Reserve Soldier, a transitioning active component Soldier, or a current or former Warrant Officer, you may qualify.

Warrant Officer Candidates, are you looking for a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) to Join the CO Army National Guard? Please fill out Warrant Officer LOA
Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS)
After meeting the specific prerequisites, your Warrant Officer recruiter will submit your packet to USAREC and you'll start Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS). You'll hone your leadership and decision-making skills, adapt to quick on-the-spot thinking and learn consequence management. There are two training options for applicants with prior military experience:
- Six-week active resident course at Fort Rucker, Alabama, or Distance Learning plus four and a half weeks as E-5 with Warrior Leader Course.
- Regional Training Institute within selected states, completing Distance Learning, five drills and a two-week Annual Training.
Seven paths to a Warrant Officer Commission
1 - 09W Enlistment Option
To be eligible for enlistment for the Technical Warrant Officer Enlistment option Prior Service (PS) applicants must have served in the regular Army or Marine Corps with no more than a 12 month break in service from last separation. Additionally Prior Service Marines will need to have attended U.S. Army Advanced Individual Training (AIT), or any MOS producing Service School while in the Marine Corps. Please see the PPOM 12-041 (HRH) for additional information
2 - State WOC
Current members of the COARNG must have a feeder MOS in the area of concentration they want to be in. All applicants will have to submit all the documents listed on the Pre-Determination Packet Checklist. Once all the information is completed, send the packet to the WOSM.
3 - Aviation WOC
To be eligible to receive an aviation warrant officer commission, applicants must be a member of Colorado Army National Guard for at least 1 year prior to board. Additionally, applicants require a Class 1A Flight Physical with Ft. Rucker approved stamp, minimum score of 40 on the SIFT test and not older than 32 years old. As a result of accepting a commission in aviation, a 6 year ADSO will be added to your contract. Please see Flight Board information
4 - IST
Current Warrant officers that want to transfer to the COARNG need to fill out the LOA request form and submit to WOSM for approval. Additionally for Aviation Warrants, the WOSM will submit LOA Request to the Aviation SAAO and BN CDR for approval.
5 - ISR
Active duty Warrant officers that want to join the COARNG from Active duty, need to see RCCC or Silver Siege Officer for processing transfer and submit the LOA request. Orders will be produced prior to the SM being discharged.
6 - Direct Commission
If you are a commissioned Officer and want to transition to a Warrant Officer, you will need to submit a predetermination packet and a federal recognition packet to be considered. Please see Pre-determination Packet Checklist and Fed-Rec Packet Checklist
7 - Direct Appointment
If you are a prior service warrant officer with a break in service for less than 12 months, the applicant will require a Federal Recognition packet to be considered.
Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC)
Once you have received your appointment as a Warrant Officer, you must become certified in your specialty within two years by completing the Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC). The course varies in length, depending on your chosen field. WOBC will enhance and sharpen your technical fundamentals within your area. Upon completion, you will be a fully qualified Warrant Officer within the Army National Guard and be eligible for promotion to CW2. Your education will continue through Warrant Officer Advanced Training, Warrant Officer Staff Training and Warrant Officer Senior Staff Training, and your duty assignments will vary depending on reassignment opportunities within the state.
The Warrant Officer Accession Bonus (WOAB) is offered to newly commissioned officers and newly appointed warrant officers who serve in a traditional status in the Army National Guard. If you’re a current Guard enlisted Soldier who has never before held any commission as an officer or appointment as a warrant officer, and are accepting a commission or appointment into a critical skill position, you may qualify.
A Long and Proud History
Army National Guard Warrant Officers are highly specialized professionals, trainers and leaders, who operate, maintain, administer and manage the Army National Guard's technical systems, support activities and equipment. They are among the best-trained experts in their fields and they are some of the most respected professionals in the Army National Guard.
Since its origin, the role and requirements of the Warrant Officer have gone through many changes. The rank and grade of Warrant Officer began in 1918. At that time, they served in the Army Mine Planter Service in the Coast Artillery Corps as masters, mates, chief engineers and assistant engineers. With the Act of 1920 came the appointment of Warrant Officers in clerical, administrative and band leading activities. The reason was to "reward" enlisted men for long service and also "reward" former commissioned officers of World War I who lacked either the educational or other eligibility requirements necessary for continuance of commissioned status. Between 1920 and 1930, the Warrant Officer Program was finally instituted as an "incentive" rather than a "reward." As a result, the responsibilities of the Warrant Officer were greatly extended to include many of the duties previously held only by a commissioned officer.
Today, the title of Warrant Officer commands respect. They are indispensable players in the Army National Guard's unique mission - serving country, state and community. As the Army National Guard becomes increasingly technical and specialized, the need for Warrant Officers is increasing. But unlike the past when technical proficiency was the sole responsibility of the Warrant Officer, today it requires leadership qualities, managerial functions, and continued training and education to keep up with the latest technological developments.