The Colorado National Guard has two units with Cyber-related missions:
COARNG Cyber Protection Team (CPT - under the 169th Field Artillery Bde.):
CPT174’s mission is to provide mission assurance and threat mitigation support to the United States (US) Critical Infrastructure Key Resources (CIKR) and US Military Services and Combatant Commands key terrain. CPT174 remains mission-focused by direct integration and coordination with the Mission Commander and staff and through deep synchronization and coordination with the enterprise-level network security department and the corresponding local Information Technology (IT) and Information Assurance (IA) staff. Additionally, prepared to support Domestic Operations (DOMOPS) missions at the direction of Governor.
Read the story: Army National Guard's first Cyber Brigade activated
Read the story: States called National Guard for cyber help at least 41 times since 2018

CONG Defense Cyber Operations Element (DCOE - under the JFHQ Joint Staff):
The DCO-E conducts Defensive Cyberspace Operations – Internal Defensive Measures (DCO-IDM, IAW JP 3-12) to secure their State's portion of GuardNet, the ARNG contribution to the Department of Defense Information Network – Army (DODIN-A). On order, DCO-Es protect critical State infrastructure and respond to State cyberspace emergencies as directed by TAG or Governor. DCO-E members are trained and qualified in the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA’s) as defensively-oriented cyber forces. DCO-Es do not mobilize for Title-10 missions nor conduct Offensive Cyberspace Operations (OCO).
Read the story: While Colorado votes, cyber experts watch for the worst threats to state’s election systems