Colorado National Guard, local responders train for active threat
CENTENNIAL, Colo. – The Colorado National Guard Joint Force Headquarters, with the assistance of the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office and South Metro Fire Rescue, will conduct annual active threat awareness and mitigation training here Aug. 30, 2018, on the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs campus.
The training tests and evaluates the installation's active threat emergency response procedures.
"We're going to train for the unthinkable," The Adjutant General of Colorado U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Michael Loh said. "We're grateful to our partners for investing so much effort to make our training as realistic as possible."
Anyone working nearby or traveling in the local area may witness a higher-than-normal police presence.
Participants will use blank rounds, mainly fired indoors.
If there's reason to believe that a real world active threat is underway, don't hesitate to call 911.
This annual training increases preparedness and is not in response to any heightened threat level or direct threat to any person or property.
In order to simulate a realistic training environment, this event is not open to the media or public.